People are now turning to fitness for better wellness. As obesity has fast becoming a health threat, people are now more conscious about their health. The World Health Organization has been turning the alarm about the risks that go with obesity and being overweight and its implications on health. The good thing in these modern times is the fact that technology has become so advanced that it has the ability to help people become fitter and slimmer than ever. If you are losing some pounds or trying to train for a marathon, there is an app for that. A lot of applications for mobile devices that have continued to be iterating with the ultimate goal of helping people get in shape and conquer the battle of the bulge. [Read more…]
11 Tips for Losing Weight Just In Time For Summer
Summer is officially 78 days away from today, that means you got 11 weeks to get your body Summer time ready! We at want you to be excited for the warm weather, to say “Bring on the shorts, tank tops and swimsuits!” We want to make sure none of our readers dread this day!
We know that finding the time to workout and eating healthy can be difficult at times, but we want you all to know it is indeed possible! Having trouble finding time to make it to the gym?! Try these Workouts That Can Be Done At Home to squeeze in a little fitness throughout your day. Even if you only have 20 mins, do a couple then and more when you have another 10-20 minutes throughout your day, it will all soon begin to add up!
Think you have to lose money to lose weight?! This statement couldn’t be farther from the truth! Check out these 6 Awesome Tips to Lose Weight Even on a Tight Budget.Or these 246 Healthy Recipes (That Won’t Break the Bank) from Greatist to ensure you can make a healthy diet even when moneys tight! It is possible to find the time, to eat right, and save money when trying to lose weight!
We want to ensure all of our readers are Summer Time ready in 78 days! That’s why we are bringing you 11 Tips to Losing Weight, NO MORE EXCUSES: [Read more…]
5 Signs of Weight Loss Success
If you’ve been monitoring your weight loss results lately, I’d be willing to bet that you hit the scale at least once per week for feedback. Or maybe you’ve been looking to see if your clothes fit you tighter. Although these two might be the most obvious ones, there are many other, less obvious signs of success that you might not even be considering.
Many people forget about increasing their inner strength when it comes to losing weight successfully. By erasing doubt and negativity from your mind, you’ll be surprised at how much more efficient and successful you’ll become at weight loss.
Here are 5 weight loss success signs to indicate that you’ve done so: [Read more…]
Making a Success of Exercise
Here at Lilliput Health we regularly treat professional and recreational athletes that stick to rigorous training regimes. Looking at these athletes, it’s hard to imagine that at one point they were where you are now, but just remember: everyone has to start somewhere. So here are some of our tips to help you make a success of your exercise routine, helping you on your way to a new and healthier you!
Top 10 Calorie-Burning Horror Movie
Happy Halloween from your friends at!!!
According to an article Watch a Scary Movie and Burn Calories, you can actually counteract all those candy bars you’ll be munching on while you’re really supposed to be giving them away to trick-or-treaters tonight. Don’t worry we’ve all been there too, who can simply pass out candy all night without grabbing a piece for themselves every now and then.
Well according to the article mentioned above, a recent study was done by the University of Westminster that proved you actually burn calories while watching scary movies. As your heart rate increases, so does your calorie-burning furnace. They stated that a watching a two hour scary movie, sitting on the comfort of your couch, can actually help you to burn close to 200 calories.
Here are the 10 Top Calorie-Burning Horror Movies to help you decide which movie you should be watching tonight: [Read more…]
Exercise Makes You a Happy Genius
If I were to tell you regular exercise, such as running, was to help you to lose weight, has been proven over and over again to not only improve but prevent health problems, you probably wouldn’t be too shocked right?! Now what if I were to tell you regular exercise has actually been shown to make one happier and smarter?! Got your attention now right?
I’m sure you’ve all heard of that famous ‘runner’s high’ which is due to the release of endorphins during a long run that leave you with a very positive feeling, which you can read more about in Exercising to Release Endorphins.
According to an article titled Exercise for Physical and Emotional Health, “exercise distracts your mind, and with the release of those endorphins, gets you away from negative thinking that feed anxiety and depression, as well as sour moods.” They also stated that you can get this ‘runner’s high’ feeling from any form of exercise as it is “simply a byproduct of exercise and increased blood flow.” [Read more…]
Dos and Don’ts to Reaching Your Fitness Goals
We like to make your exercise equipment purchases easier on your pocket book by providing you with the greatest deals and coupons on the latest NordicTrack home exercise equipment. We also want to make beginning your new fitness regimen just as easy on you!
Now once you’ve made the smart move and purchased your at-home exercise equipment, the next step is the hard part. Diving head first into a fitness regimen can become a little overwhelming if you are not prepared and armed with the proper tools.
While there are several things you can do to ensure you’ll reach your fitness goals, there are also some things you should avoid to ensure you stay on the path to fitness. So what exactly are these rules? We are here to share you with you the Do’s and Don’ts to Reaching Your Fitness Goals:
Can You Afford Not To Exercise?!
When it comes to working out, many people have an endless amount of excuses that stop them from exercising. One excuse that I hear all too often that exercising is just too expensive. “I want to become healthy and stay in shape but I just can’t afford it!”
I agree gym memberships and home gym equipment can be costly and certainly take a toll on one’s wallet, especially in this economy when we’re all a little pressed for cash as it is. Just take a look at this infographic for example: [Read more…]
How To Foam Roll like a Pro [Infographic]
We’ve talked the other day about how massages have been shown to benefit fitness more than we once though, which you can check out the full post on the issue here.
From working out day to day, as many of us should be doing for optimal health, our muscles can get tight, and stretching alone does not always relieve these. So this is where massages come into play, to help relieve those tight muscles. Yet many of us cannot always afford, not have the time to get a massage every week when we start to experience these tight muscle pains.
This is where foam rolling comes into play. According to this article from, a “foam roller is a firm foam log that is six inches in diameter.” They describe them to be the best way to eliminate and prevent muscles knots, while being a good alternative to massages, which can add up to be costly expensive if done repetitively. They also go on to compare foam rollers to a rolling pin, which rolls lumps out of bread dough, just as the foam roller rolls tightness and knots out of your muscles. [Read more…]
Why You Should Add Cardio Into Your Life!
Cardiovascular exercise, also known as cardio, is important to any weight loss or fitness plan, and that is why many of you came to us to fill your cardiovascular needs by getting our top of the line NordicTrack treadmills, elliptical trainers, and exercise bikes.
Whether your goal is weight loss, to build muscle or simply to improve your overall health, cardio is an important part of any fitness plan. With that being said, we also want to remind you as well the importance of combining weight training with cardio for optimal fat loss, as stated in this article here.
So since we supply you with all your cardio equipment needs, we thought it was important to tell you all you need to know about cardio including: exactly what cardio is, why cardio is such an important factor in any fitness and weight loss plan, how much cardio you should be doing, as well as a few cardio workouts to try. [Read more…]