Here at we want you not only to love your new exercise equipment purchase, but to be loving your body from the results of your purchase as well.
Many people buy exercise equipment in hopes of losing weight, because as we learned in our last post, Running on the Treadmill Can Help to Lose Belly Fat. So many people buy their new treadmill, use it so many days a week, and then go on to weigh themselves daily in hopes of seeing that number go down. Unfortunately this is not always the case, so many get discouraged with this number they keep seeing and give up, thinking what is the point?! And this is where too many of us go wrong.
Now I’m not saying the scale is a bad thing, it can be a really great weight loss tool for some, but if you let that number rule your mindset it can turn out to only sabotage you. You can take other approaches to see if your treadmill purchase is paying off and if you are indeed losing weight, one sure fire way to tell is by taking measurements or by monitoring how tight or lose your clothes are becoming.
If you are combining weight training and cardio to lose weight, which is the best approach as stated here, than that added muscle will be fluctuating with that number on the scale. For example take this woman, she weighed exactly the same in both pictures yet you can clearly see she has decreased her body fat and increased her muscle mass.
If she had gotten frustrated that the number on the scale was not moving, she might have given up long before realizing she was doing losing fat.
If you are one who lets that number on the scale affect your mindset about exercising and your mood for the day, ditch the scale. Don’t let that number dictate who you are! Keep at your workouts and know that you will soon be reaping the benefits!
Written By: Jentry