The body is composed of many different organ systems all working synergistically with each other. You have the endocrine system which helps to regulate hormones and chemicals throughout the body, then there is the circulatory system that pumps blood and oxygen through your veins, and then less commonly known is the lymphatic system.
The lymphatic system is vitally important for health. It serves to strain toxins from your blood and filter them to the kidneys and liver where they are then disposed of properly. The lymphatic system runs throughout the entire body alongside the blood veins. This is so it can clean the blood properly.
When the toxins are extracted from the blood they pass through the lymph veins. The problem is lymph system has no pump, so it cannot push the toxins to where they need to go without some help from you. The only thing that gets the lymphatic system to work is locomotion, movement.
Exercises like jogging, rebounding, calisthenics and diving are all going to stimulate the lymph system. This is going to strain your body of toxins, which in turn will help bring about clearer cognitive process, less disease, less illness, and also higher levels of energy.
Take a break from the weights for a second and exercise for some holistic benefits. Cleansing the body can do wonders for your overall wellbeing. The best way to clean out your system is by getting some good lymphatic stimulation.
Thirty minutes on a treadmill is more than enough to get the body to start filtering out the bad toxins. So all in all exercise doesn’t just make you look better, but it also is going to make you feel better.
By Thom