Welcome back for even more Top Marathon Training Tips and be sure to check out Part One if you missed out. Here are a few more tips for you first time marathon runners, or less experienced marathon runners, to help you avoid common mistakes and cross that finish line: [Read more…]
Part One: Top Marathon Training Tips
Signing up for a race is a great motivator to ensure you stick to your fitness goals. Having that set goal with a specific date in mind helps you to stay on track, especially when you know that day is quickly approaching. Completing a full marathon can be quite the accomplishment when it comes to races, yet if this is your first race it may not be such a good idea to start out straight at the top.
If this is your first race, try starting by running a 5K with these tips; then build your way up to a 10K, a half and then the full marathon. Yet if this is not your first race and you feel you are ready to tackle that full marathon goal, we want to help you accomplish that goal and have the most successful marathon race possible.
Finding a training plan and sticking to it is only half the battle, there are certain tips that may help you prep for the big day. So when we came across Shape Magazine’s Top 25 Marathon Training Tips we knew this was something we had to share with our NordicTrack treadmill runners who may be thinking of signing up for their own marathon.
We tried narrowing down the 25 to the ones we felt were most important, yet even then had a hard time combining them all into one post. So here is Part One of the Top Marathon Training Tips to help you “avoid common marathon running mistakes and fly across that finish line”: [Read more…]
Tips To Help You Get the Most from Your Elliptical Workout
Our NordicTrack elliptical trainers are one of the top sellers here at NordicTrackCoupons.com, right up there with our NordicTrack treadmills. So in a recent post when we recently talked about Getting the Most from Your Treadmill Workouts, it occurred to us that many of you may want the same information, yet pertaining to elliptical trainers.
Elliptical trainers can give you one of the best cardio workouts, if used properly that is. If you all you are doing is hopping on and striding away for 20-30 minutes then calling it good, you are not utilizing your elliptical to its full potential.
While the elliptical delivers a great cardio workout, the best thing about this machine is its ability to build strength and muscle endurance to your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, while still working your arms, chest, and back with the use of the handles. According to an article titled How to Use the Elliptical for Fat Loss from LiveStrong.com, “the elliptical is a powerhouse among cardio equipment because it allows you to use a large amount of muscle. The more muscles that are working, the more calories you’ll be burning.” [Read more…]
Tips For Your First 5K and How to Improve Your 5K Running Times
Signing up for a 5K is great motivational tool to start an exercise program, and having a goal in mind helps to keep you focused. A 5K is only 3.1 miles so it’s a great start for new runners and the perfect distance for first-time racers, while also still being challenging and fun for those 5K veterans.
If you are new to 5K’s after you’ve made the first step and signed up, knowing where to start from there can be a bit intimidating. We don’t want the unpreparedness or intimidation to throw you off your first 5K motivational wagon, so we’ve found a few tips to help keep you on track and to the finish line in record time, along with a few tips for those veterans in helping to improve their times. [Read more…]
Committing to Fitness for Life
We all know there is no single exercise plan that is going to work for everybody. Ask anyone who has tried the any one of the millions of “fitness fad” workouts out there; they don’t all share the same success rates. Everyone likes their different workouts, their different routines and have certain programs and plans that work for them.
Yet if you ask anyone who has succeeded when it comes to their fitness goals, they all have one key factor in common that led them to reach their success: consistency. No matter what type of exercises you are doing, the main thing that matters is that you are actually doing it, and committing yourself to your workouts.
Tips to Help You Learn to Love (or at least not hate) Working Out
We know not all people share the same enthusiasm as we do about fitness and exercise here at NordicTrackCoupons, some even being on the opposite end of that spectrum to go as far as actually hating and despising exercise.
While exercising may not be something everyone looks forward, as we mentioned in yesterday’s post, it is certainly something that no one can afford to skip out on. So although we may not ever be able to convince you fitness can actually be fun, hopefully we can help you at least not dread the daily event.
LiveFitnessNow.com shares some tips to help you learn to love (or at least not hate) working out, you can check out the full article here. We thought we’d share a few of our favorites to help our readers jump on that fitness bandwagon! [Read more…]
Bought the Treadmill Now What?! Beginner Running Tips!
We know many of you who purchase your treadmills here at NordicTrackCoupons.com have most likely been running on treadmills for a while now and love it so much that you finally decided to break down and buy your very own. Yet we also know that for many of you that is not the case.
Some of you may be purchasing your first treadmill to get started on that path towards a healthier lifestyle. You either may not have access to a gym, don’t feel comfortable working out in public, or are making the smart investment of purchasing an exercise equipment to work out in the luxury of your home instead of paying an endless amount in a gym membership. [Read more…]